And next up in the studio, we have Anne Waggot Knott.
Here she is in her own words:
Anne’s broad creative practice focuses on human connections
with the landscape. She frequently anchors her work in
experimental printmaking but also uses film, sculpture,
photography, and writing. Physical and metaphorical journeys
are influential and intrinsic; connections between place, space
and identity are her recurring themes. She is interested in
peripheries and less obvious locations.
As well as developing her own work, she undertakes carefully
chosen collaborative arts projects, usually with a focus on our
connections with the environment and a cross-disciplinary
perspective. She champions fair pay and robust opportunities
for rural and peripheral artists.
Working across the Scottish/English borderlands and beyond,
she is an artist associate of the PLACE Collective, an Honorary
Research Fellow (with an arts focus) at the University of
Cumbria's Institute of Science and Environment, and a board
member with Upland CIC.
All the works on show at Linden Print Studio have been
printed by hand without the use of a press.
Her large linocuts are about the places where we pause in the
landscape, using the colours and abstract forms we find when
we slow down and look closely.
Her large monoprint, Assemble (ii), includes chine collé pieces
and is intentionally naïve, bringing character and intimacy to
the informal groupings.
Fugitives, her photographic triptych, is based on charismatic
experimental honeysuckle basketwork pieces created during
lockdown, when we all wished we could make an illicit escape.