I don’t know about you but it’s been a bit of a rocky year, where making art has seemed a mixture of necessity, distraction and solace. But for me, it’s mostly about empowerment and love.
I hope that your year has been good, and that the next year will be even better.
I also wanted to let you know a bit more about the Artist’s Development course I’m running from January and the dates are:
09-Jan-20 Session 1
16-Jan-20 Session 2
06-Feb-20 Session 3
13-Feb-20 Session 4
27-Feb-20 Session 5
05-Mar-20 Session 6
12-Mar-20 Session 7
26-Mar-20 Session 8
The course is for people wanting to be a little more serious about their artistic practice, re-tune and think about what is important to them. It’s not practical as such, but I do build in a wide range of things for us to be doing. The hands need to move as much as the mind. The sessions always run on Thursday evenings from 7.00-8.30. It’s £70 for the whole course. There are three places left (out of six) and I’d very much like to fill them as the group dynamics really help the sessions along. I've based the course programme around Julia Cameron's The Artists Way.
There’s also a couple of exhibitions that you probably already know about:
Rembrandt (and Turner!) at Tullie House until 6 January
The Great Print Exhibition at Rheged until 9 March
Here’s hoping for a great 2020 and best wishes
ps. The image is of our Christmas card this year - using vintage letterpress advertising blocks and lead type. The typefaces are Harlequin and Gill Sans.