I hope you’ve had a relaxing and safe holiday! I spent some time in the wood, some time in the garden, messing with a vintage typewriter and whittling ebony piano keys. So a good break.
Course Highlights
Mezzotint with Heather Young
Thursday 10 March, 10-4pm - £90
Saturday 21 May, 10-4pm - £90
This beautiful 18th century printmaking technique will allow you to create dark, tonally-rich prints using traditional, hand-rocked copper plates. You will learn how to create a plate and print it using the traditional etching press.
Stamping fun
Saturday 12 March, 10-4pm - £80
I’m really excited about this one! You’ll learn how to create little stamps from linocuts and the print glittery ridiculousnesses with embossing powders. You’ll take home a range of small stamps mounted on wood and acrylic. You’ll also get one rolling stamp (prototype in production).
Leo Ponton at Linden Print Studio
I’m delighted to be showing Leo Ponton’s work in the Print Studio from 21 January until 31 March. Leo is an abstract painter and printmaker.
Following on from the joint Hilary Harrison and Vega Brennan exhibition, Hilary Harrison’s ceramic work has moved to The Fountain Gallery in Wigton. It’s well-worth a visit. And thank you to everybody who came and saw and bought our work from September-December last year.
If you would like to show your work in the Studio from 1 April – end June, do get in touch. There are 3-4 walls to show work and I will charge 20% commission.
Reference Library
Over Christmas, I’ve been cataloguing the books in the studio and there are over 400 titles! You are welcome to come and browse them whenever I’m open. There’s a lot of books about printmaking and letterpress, but also art theory, monographs and design.
The Print Studio also has subscriptions for Printmaking Today, Pressing Matters and the British Printing Society’s Small Printer magazines. I can always scan and copy pages/articles if there is something you’d like to keep.
I’m having a New Year’s tidy and sort out. I am willing to barter for plants, interesting books or artwork.
· 4 white wooden box frames , 43 x 43cm, originally from the Range
· 2 x A4 screenprinting screens and squeegees, originally from Pisces/TTS (student grade)
· Caligo Safewash inks DVD – a short film all about the manufacture and use of these inks
· Plastic jugs 500ml – I don’t know why but I have about 20 of these
The Mezzotint, MR James
I enjoyed watching this on BBC iPlayer but it doesn’t tell you much about the process of making one, more about playing golf in knickerbockers and avoiding random topological prints of country houses. Go on, it’s only 30 minutes of creepy fun:
It’s the Year of the Tiger for 2022 on 1 February! If you’d like to see what 2022 holds in store for you according to dodgy random Chinese horoscope website, here’s the link.
Good fortune and gung hei, gung hei,