Hi All
Here's a picture of my messy desk with my favourite Leunig mug. I've finally got all my courses on my website!
A few things to note:
Chris Daunt's Wood Engraving Course on 10-11 Sept is fully booked.
Price rise - I've had to raise prices by £5 per course to cover increased heating, electricity and materials costs.
Price freeze - I've tried to balance the price rise by keeping membership fees the same - £30 starting from September, stepping down to £20 from January and £10 from May.
New/popular courses - The Artist's Development course is back for January 2023! Introduction to Photoshop! Mezzotint with Heather Young!
And a couple of other things:
Print at the Priory, 24 Sept-2 Oct, I'll be there Mon 26 and Tues 27 if you want to come and say hullo. https://printatthepriory.com/
Anne Waggot-Knott (https://www.charliealphastudio.com/other-projects) invited me to help out with this amazing project https://nprnt.org.uk/hw1900 at Northern Print in Newcastle. My model, Mohammed, is featured on Countryfile: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001b0ss/countryfile-hadrians-wall
I've slightly changed the way courses are listed on here and the course summary leaflet, hopefully making it clearer, but do send me an email if you have any questions about anything.
best wishes
ps. If you prefer to have a proper paper version of the course summary, you can download it here to print out at home: